Never Forget Your Passwords Again
Save your login credentials quickly with Locker.
Save your passwords in just one click
Locker will automatically detect new login credentials and offer to save them as you type in. If you change your password, register an account or fill in an online form, Locker will pop up and offer to save the updated information to your vault.
Add passwords manually
In addition, you can always manually add passwords to your vault. Just open Locker and fill in the required fields to store your credentials. Next time you're visiting that site, Locker will remember the details and automatically log you in.
Where can I use this feature?
Locker will automatically offer to save passwords on popular browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. Meanwhile, you can add passwords manually on all platforms and devices.
Get Locker for free

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Save Your Passwords. Save Your Time
Keep your passwords secure and organized with Locker